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The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

A Thousand-Year Journey from Psalm 23 to the New Testament.
Brings new light and life to our understanding of one of the most beloved and
central images of the Christian faith. The Lord is my shepherd. Thus begins the
most beloved of all Psalms - and thus begins a thousand-year journey through
the Bible. Prophets, apostles and Jesus himself took up this image from David,
reshaping it, developing it and applying it to their own situations and needs.
Kenneth Bailey uses his celebrated insights into Middle Eastern culture and
especially his familiarity with Middle Eastern shepherding customs to bring new
light and life to our understanding of this central image of the Christian
faith. With each of nine major Old and New Testament passages, Bailey reveals
the literary artistry of the biblical writers and summarizes their key
theological features. His work is also enriched by his unique access to very
early Middle Eastern commentaries on these passages, bringing fresh
understanding from within the mindset of these ancient worlds. The Good
Shepherd invites us to experience a rich, biblical feast of ethical,
theological and artistic delights. (= 9780830840632)
Recommended € 23,90

The Good Shepherd


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